Responsible Disclosure Policy

At Zonnepark Services, we recognize the importance of security in our systems and data. We understand that despite our best efforts, vulnerabilities can exist. To address this, we encourage responsible reporting of any security vulnerabilities that may be found in our systems or infrastructure.

Guidelines for Responsible Disclosure:

  1. Report Promptly: If you believe you have found a security vulnerability in any of our systems, please report it to us as quickly as possible via We ask that you do not share it with others until we’ve had a chance to address it.
  2. Provide Details: To help us understand the nature and scope of the issue, please provide us with as much information as possible about the vulnerability. This may include steps to reproduce, the potential impact, and any suggestions for remediation.
  3. Avoid Data Damage or Loss: While researching, we ask that you refrain from any activity that would lead to data destruction, privacy violations, interruption or degradation of our service, or other disruptions to our users.
  4. Keep Communication Open: We value your input and would like to keep communication open. We promise to acknowledge receipt of your report promptly and keep you informed of our progress in fixing the vulnerability.
  5. Disclosure: Zonnepark Services supports responsible disclosure. We request that you give us a reasonable time to address the issue before publicly disclosing it. This allows us to ensure that we have the appropriate fixes and preventative measures in place.

Our Commitment:

  • Acknowledgement: We will acknowledge receipt of your report within 72 hours.
  • Communication: We will keep you informed of the progress.
  • Transparency: Once the issue is resolved, we will post a public acknowledgement, if appropriate, and with your consent.
  • Incentives: While we currently do not offer a paid bug bounty program, we do recognize the effort put into responsible disclosure. We are open to acknowledging contributions in a way that benefits the reporter, consistent with our commitment to security and privacy.

Thank you for helping us keep Zonnepark Services and our users safe.

Head office

Drieharingstraat 6
3511 BJ Utrecht

Service office

Beneluxweg 132
9636 HV Zuidbroek

Service office

Smaragd 401
3316 KJ Dordrecht
